Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Upland Birds - part 2

Here is the second installment of my upland birds blog, these shots are from
the same session as the Meadow Pipits in the last post. Red Grouse are in abundance
at this particular site, you can't go a 100yds without seeing one of these gorgeous
birds. I was pleased to capture some shots of the grouse on the dry stone wall, he put on a superb display, calling and flapping his wings for all to see.

This was my favourite Meadow Pipit shot from that morning, it's very similar to
the others but I like the slightly open beak as it's calling out to attract a mate.

Next is the Curlew, a species that I have had very little luck with, these birds
are almost impossible to approach, and as you can see from this shot he's already
legging it out of there.

Along the same stretch of wall as the Mipits was this beautiful Pied Wagtail, these are such smart birds, very active and constantly bobbing up and down.

And lastly we have the highlight of the morning, a Little Owl sat on his hunting post
keeping a lookout for breakfast. Unfortunately my 7D decided to punch me in the goolies on this shot, the tricky side lighting totally out-foxed the AF system and it failed to aquire focus, there are times when I could drop kick this camera, but there are times when it captures some incredible detail, but this wasn't one of those times and all I ended up with is a record shot :(

Until next time, thanks for dropping by.



  1. Its still a beautiful image Andy and the focus looks good from where I'm sitting.

  2. Nice atmospheric shots - can't see anything wrong with the Little Owl.

  3. Great series of shots , you had a great day , must look in to how too photograph Red Grouse .

  4. Cheers guys, pleased you like the shots :)

  5. Well done Andy ! Awesome as usual. Little Owls must like you.

    I Would also like to photograph grouse if you have any hints and tips for me?

    Nick T.
